Thursday, February 9, 2012

The first day of middle school...take two

Today was a lot like the first day of middle school. Ya know, I had to memorize my locker combination, didn't know where to put my lunch and had to wear a "Hello, my name is Lydia" name tag. Awwwwkward. It didn't take me long to realize that I was the token "new girl." The PRC likes to move people in and out of the program fluidly so there is never an entirely new group and today, as it turned out, I was the only newbie. I mean, I guess no one else wanted to compete with my fame...can't say that I blame them. Today and tomorrow are mostly evaluative, but I'll meet some people on Monday so I can sign autographs and such, the usual..

So the evaluations. Holy. Cannoli. I spent at least an hour each with physical therapy, pharmacy, biofeedback and occupational therapy. I also spent two hours with my nurse case manager as she went over my medical history, learned the in's and out's of my health and asked about my realistic goals for the program (ya know, just in case inhaling a steaming hot pizza by tomorrow isn't feasible).

I had never done any biofeedback before and my inner nerd was pretty curious. First the technician hooked two monitors to my back and then wrapped a band around my waist. For six and a half minutes I was instructed to sit quietly and watch the computer slide show of "soothing images." Afterwards, the technician showed me how my breathing correlated with the electrical impulses flowing through my body. My artsy self was fascinated by an actual visual of visceral hypersensitivity. I thought I was relaxed, my breathing thought I was relaxed, but my brain was having a heck of a fiesta and the electricity was flyyyyying. It's always a good sign when the technician responds, "!" Right?

So now all of my team members will get together and form the "Operation Lydia would like to EAT" plan. I'll meet with the team briefly tomorrow morning and then start officially on Monday.

Bring. It. On.


  1. Go for it, Lyddie! I know you can do it! You got through Middle School just fine; so with your determination, you can do this too!Sending lots of hugs, support, and love. Mom xoxoxo

  2. Bio-feedback is fantastic stuff and you're going to get straight A's at it I'm sure. Can't wait to hear how they teach you to tame the wild horse in your brain! Have a good weekend settling in to your new home away from home! Love, Gretch

  3. Can the first steaming hot pizza pleeeeease be on me? I'll send $ toChurch Street tomorrow because I know you'll be th in no time.

  4. Bring it on indeed! I second the biofeedback support — it can't hurt, and it did help me manage my migraines like a champ. I'll bet it can help with pizza dreams, too.

  5. Just think....salsa verde, tex mex, and pool. With appropriate sunscreen of course!

  6. Hi Lydia

    It's me - Sarah - who sits near you in choir. So, Kelly has given me your blog address and I've found you at last! Look here . . . we Sopranos miss you. A lot. And I miss your Toms-clad feet next to me, so please get that bod functioning again FAST and come home to VCS. Though sadly I can't do the next concert as I'm flying off to Bologna that night for the International Children's Book Fair. I know - all suffering. And I'd better not tell you that Bologna is the gastro capital of Emilia Romagna, or you might come back and hit me, which would be quite justified. Anyway, I wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you and miss you a lot. And now I will be haunting your blog .. . .

    Oh, and by the way - you are wasted as a teacher. You have a great 'voice' and I will be speaking to you about writing middle-grade fiction. You're a natural. So please spend some of your time dreaming up a great plot.
