Monday, January 23, 2012

Week #3 at Mayo

Today I had surgery to get a new feeding tube and repair the stoma (hole) for the tube. I'm kind of a celebrity on the 8th floor of the Charlton Building, so I got to greet my followers throughout the morning. Some thoughts from my fans...

1. "Hey! Welcome back! I heard that you got a PICC line, thank goodness!"

2. "Oh hey, are you that girl that they gave too much versed (sedative) last week? I heard about you!"

3. "Lydia, you are back again! I'll make sure we put some extra blankets in the warmer." (clearly this nurse is AWESOME)

4. "So you are aware that using the heat tool on your skin is going to hurt, right? [I nod] Oh thank goodness, I didn't want to be the person to tell you."

5. "Aren't you the girl who is allergic to silver nitrate? I heard about you last week! We've never had anyone with that allergy before, this will be a new one for us!"

Of course it's a new one, I'm here to make sure no one at Mayo is ever bored. Duh.

The surgery went well, my stoma is burnt to a crisp and I now have a brand, spanking new transgastric jejunostomy tube (transgastric = goes through your stomach, jejunostomy = ends in your jejunum, second part of your small intestine). The transgastric J tube is typically the second in a series of tubes, and it was for me as well. I started with a PEG-J tube and today I got promoted! (Cue Pomp and Circumstance)

The biggest difference is that the transgastric J tube has a balloon inflated just under the skin to help anchor the tube in place. I have to come back to Mayo every 3-4 months to get a new balloon. Frankly, I think my fans just want to see me and this is an easy excuse...if they promise the blanket warmer, I might just bring oatmeal scotchies.


  1. I'd stick close to that blanket warming nurse, if I were you. So glad this part is behind you — congratulations on your promotion!

  2. Ditto on that comment! It sounds like it could have earned the award for the most painful day. I hope getting a new balloon every 3-4 months isn't as bad. I'm sure your fans will roll out the red carpet for your return visits! Sending you love and healing thoughts to your stoma!

  3. Laurie Badanes PratherJanuary 23, 2012 at 7:04 PM

    Wow, Lydia...I'm just now catching up on your adventure (though Laura has been filling me in) know we're not allowed to read blogs at school...they may contain any number of problems! I am just amazed at the way you have handled this entire saga...your gifts of scribe and humor inspire me. You are an amazing woman and I am so glad to know and work with you. You are in my prayers and I look forward to the day you return to balmy Virginia....we miss you!!

    I have to say my favorite post has to be the oompah loompah post...such a lovely visual and truly, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original version) was my all-time favorite movie as a kid...still love it!!

    Keep up the fight, Lydia....and let me know if you need any help retraining your brain. I'm sure Laura and I can come up with some sort of behavior plan with a trip to the prize box after so many gold star stickers!!

  4. Lydia,

    I just finally managed to get myself over here and catch up on your saga. And saga it is! I had no idea all that you have been and are working through! Please know I am thinking of you and hope to treat you to a fabulous, minimally restrictive dinner soon!
