Friday, February 24, 2012

Pssst...I have a secret!

Friends, I have news.

I don't want to jinx myself (we've all seen my rock star skill in this department) I'll share this topic on a delicately hypothetical basis.

I may or may not have reserved a spot on a flying vessel that may or may not fly from the midwest to the east coast on Saturday March 3rd.

I may or may not be ridiculously excited about this hypothetical news.

Just sayin'.


  1. I will keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for you!!

  2. I think it's for real! Yay! I think before you start walking down the jetway,you should turn and give a big wave to the people gathered to wish you a safe flight just like the President does when he boards Air Force One! That's the best news I've had in weeks! Start crossing the days off on your calendar! Love, Gretch

  3. Good luck, Lydia!! I really hope it works out! love, Becca

  4. Just thinking about the check off you used to keep as you waited to go to camp! :) Can't wait! xoxoxox

  5. Dear daughter,Hallie, has shared your blog with me (hope you don't mind!). Girl...I have to tell you that you are amazing, an inspiration to all, and an absolutely beautiful writer...this is a book you must write and publish for all who are struggling with life's "little challenges". Your "One Year Later" entry was so inspiring, and, as a Mom, I had the tears flowing (Hallie will tell you that this is not too unusual!) :) But, seriously, you will never even realize the number of people, family and friends, that you have touched. One day, I hope to visit Hallie and Eric and have you and Dave over for that pizza you have been thinking about. Keep the faith, sweet girl, and know there are prayers coming your way from South Carolina. Hope we get to see you soon, and that trip home is a reality! Love and Hugs, Jan Cale

  6. Hypothetically speaking, I'm thrilled!

  7. I hope so!! Love you girl!
